CBD oil and cannabis bud

If you’re a new CBD user, it can be confusing to figure out what dose you need to see the benefits you’re looking for. Whether for treating anxiety, sleep disorders, pain, or a variety of other ailments, your CBD oil dosage can vary. CBD isn’t regulated by the FDA and is treated like a supplement. Because of this, there are no “official” answers on proper CBD dosing. However, a little knowledge can help you determine where to start on your CBD journey. Read on to find out how to get started with CBD! What’s My CBD Oil Dose? CBD oils come in many varieties ofRead More →

dab of CBD

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ve probably heard quite a few people extolling the benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) and CBD products. Maybe you’ve even tried some of these products yourself. When most people think of CBD, they think of CBD oil, CBD edibles, or CBD vape pens. There are lots of other ways to consume CBD, though, including dabbing with CBD shatter. Read on to learn more about this particular administration method and gain some insight into why it might be beneficial for you. What is CBD? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. CBDRead More →

CBD oil and marijuana leaves

In 2011, over 20 million people were struggling with addiction. Recovery from addiction can be a difficult journey, but it can be more difficult when facing withdrawal symptoms. With the explosion of CBD oil on the market, it’s possible that CBD oil could be a potential way to calm the withdrawal symptoms. Let’s take a look at what the research is showing for CBD oil for withdrawal symptoms. What is CBD Oil? CBD oil is shortened for Cannabidiol oil which comes from the cannabis plant. It’s been somewhat controversial since it’s appearance, specifically concerning its ability to produce psychosomatic effects. CBD oil is not marijuana and cannot getRead More →

person holding cannabis buds

This year marks the 23rd anniversary of California becoming the first state to legalize medical marijuana. Before 1996, weed was still classified as a hippie, stoner drug. Hollywood highlighted this characterization in films like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused, and others. My, how times have changed! Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states plus Washington, DC. Thirty-three other states allow the use of medical marijuana. Efforts to reform the criminal justice system are also underway in legislation like the Marijuana Justice Act. The mainstream acceptance of pot is highly publicized and covered by media outlets across the country. Still, the public isn’t as awareRead More →