Employee Stressed at Work

How long was the workweek in the late 1800s? It was 100 hours for fulltime employees! Luckily, today 40 hours is the new standard for a full-time workweek. However, even with fewer hours, employees today can easily feel burnt out by the end of the week.  If you find yourself struggling to make it to Friday, stress could be the cause. By training your brain and body to relax, you can finally start enjoying your time off work. To help you out we’ve created this short guide with the best tips for reducing stress from work.  Read on to learn 4 powerful stress relief practices.Read More →

CBD Oils

CBD products are expanding by the day thanks to their rise in popularity and legality. As more states continue to legalize hemp and cannabis CBD, the more benefits we seem to notice associated with taking it. One of those benefits being for pain management. Here’s your guide to knowing the right CBD dosage for pain. How Does CBD Help With Pain? CBD for pain continues to become a more recommended avenue because of its ability to increase anti-inflammatory properties in our body. It does this through the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is activated in response to the CBD since CBD is a naturally occurringRead More →

Online Weed Purchase

Gone are the days of skulking into a back alley to score some weed from a shady dealer. Now, marijuana is legal or decriminalized in all but eight U.S. states. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of the states where medical or recreational marijuana is legal, you have lots of options. You might even be wondering “Can you buy weed online?” In many cases, the answer is yes! Stick with us as we tell you what you need to know about how to buy weed online and bust some of the most common myths. Myth 1: Buying Weed Online is Illegal As longRead More →