man vaping CBD

You’ve researched everything you could know about CBD and you know it will benefit your health in many ways. Now here’s the catch: how do you use it? Ingesting CBD oil through a tincture is a popular method. But many CBD users prefer vaping CBD. You’ll immediately feel the CBD effects and vapor isn’t harsh on your lungs as smoke is. But vaping can seem intimidating for beginners. Once you understand the ins and outs of vaping, you’ll learn it’s easy and extremely convenient. Here’s everything you need to know about using a CBD vape pen. And don’t worry – we’re making this as easyRead More →

person rolling marijuana joint

Marijuana legalization is not only about making pot legal to smoke. It is also about reforming the criminal justice system, establishing racial justice, improving accountability, and reinvesting in the community. Sounds ambitious? Perhaps, but that is what the Marijuana Justice Act is aiming for. If you heard about the Marijuana Justice Act and want more information, you have come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about why this law is so important. What is the Marijuana Justice Act? In its core, the Marijuana Justice act is a bill that aims to end prohibition with a focus on racial justice. It refocusesRead More →